It's 9:11 pm here..and I am sitting here, with the relaxing sounds of Dante's Prayer by Loreena McKennitt filling the room. What an amazing song..
Today I was super productive man..accomplishing multiple feats with great out and swept the garage..swept the basement floor..straightened up the living room and vacumed..pulled out all of my halloween decorations, called my cell phone company about new a cell phone (the one I am currently using since I lost my other one is pretty old and desperately needs to be replaced..).. I just finished paying a stack of bills and FINALLY-it's me time..nothing left to do but just sit here immensly enjoying this beautiful music by candlelight and writing. Heaven:)
I usually try pretty hard to avoid politics in my blog, mainly because politics tends to divide people rather than unite them..and even though I have my own passionately held beliefs I try very hard to honor and respect those who hold differing ones-especially the guests who visit my blog here. I am more interested in learning why others feel a certain way than I am about convincing others to agree with mine or trying to justify my position and beliefs to others...
Sometimes though, an issue is so important that I want to share with others how I feel about it, and that's when I make the choice to share it here. I don't apologize for my beliefs-and I don't expect my friends to apologize for theirs either. Friendship should be above differences in my opinion-there is always more that unite us than seperate us if we but focus on the good and common things.. If we can't respectfully talk about our differences, then how can we possibly understand each other or solve our problems?
But anway.....I saw this commercial the other day on TV and I really thought it was pretty awesome..All we ever hear anymore on the news is how awful The united States is, or how everyone in the world hates us..or how evil our military is...or how we are failing at this and that...well I have always known that that isn't the case-I believe America is the shining light in a pretty dark world.. and I believe we get more right than we get wrong..of course we aren't perfect-but we give selflessly of our fortune, and we willingly sacrifice the lives of our citizens to help people we don't even know..we are a generous, giving, kind nation..And we pour out our power to help others less fortunate.
Anyway, I wanted to share the commerical that I saw..No matter what our poltics may be..and whether we dislike the current President or not-good things have happened during the last five years and one of the good things that has come about is the freedom of a people that were ruthlessly taken to the brink of extinction by Saddam. Although violence still grips that part of the world, and although we all still have alot of work to do, much has been accomplished-things that I am proud of. Here is the video, and I will let it speak for itself.