WTF! who could do that?!!?

Sep 15, 2006 23:32

I didn't sleep very well at all last night-but then-I didn't even get into bed until after 3 A.M. My mind just couldn't slow down enough to contemplate sleeping..hence the two posts within a few hours of each other..

This evening I saw the most disturbing thing I think I have ever, ever seen on TV. I was flipping through the channels when I paused on Court TV. I am not entirely sure what made me pause because I don't normally watch court tv..but they were showing this surveillance video of two people in a hospital maternity room. The woman who was a nurse left the room, and the man-who was holding the baby waited a few seconds to make sure she wasn't coming back-then he got up-put the baby into the crib on its stomach AND HELD THE BABY’S HEAD DOWN INTO THE PILLOW until the baby lost consciousness!!! I could see the babys legs kicking as it struggled to breath.!! My mouth literally dropped open and I was absolutely stunned. I have never in my life seen anything so vile, so man then ran into the hallway to call for help in order to make it look like the baby just stopped breathing on its own, and~to make a long story short-he had tried to kill the baby and make it all look like an accident-and the video was being shown at his trial which Court TV was covering..

What a MONSTER..What a complete……!no word can even begin to describe such a heinous act…….I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN to find the words to express my anger towards this man and others who harm children. WHO on the face of the earth could possibly harm a child??!!?? ESPECIALLY a baby!  They are so perfect..they give love so completely!..who could harm a baby?????????

The video that I saw just broke my heart… It sickens and enfuriates me to know that there are people like this in the world.  There isn’t any excuse I would ever tolerate from someone who harms a child-none.  I don’t give a damn what their excuses are, and I don’t give a damn how they feel..That man took a precious little baby-and tried to kill it-and he was its father..ONE of the two people on earth that they should always be able to trust. $*#*(#

To me, what this man did is an unforgivable crime and yes-I absolutely, absolutely am passionately FOR the death penalty for any monster who harms-or tries to harm children.  I am not interested in understanding them, and I am not interested in trying to rehabilitate my opinion-anyone that can harm something so precious, so innocent as a baby or child should no longer be tolerated by society. Remove them..immediently.. Let them face God for their crimes.I am SO F***ING furious with this man.

I am seething about this…..maybe someone should suffocate him..see how he likes it…

breathe deep Jim..breath deep….ok..let’s move on.

I did something pretty stupid this evening. My leg has really, really been bothering me but today it felt a little bit stronger and it didn’t’ hurt as much when I walked so I decided that tonight after I mowed the yard, I would go on a run.

I took it easy, but I headed out onto my normal 5 mile route. It hurt quite a bit right at the start-but as I warmed up the pain receded a bit..then around the 3-mile mark it came back with a vengeance. I gritted my teeth and continued on. I hate quitting and I didn’t want to stop mid-run-it felt too much like failure to me. So I pressed on. The pain got worse and worse, but I finished. But the cost was pretty high..

I think I will need to head to the doctor’s office on Monday. I think I must have done several things to my poor legs because both of my knees are really hurting and my left thigh is practically crippling-even walking is a bit of a challenge..And if I am sitting down for awhile-then get up..The electric shock that shoots up and down my leg is really, really severe.. I shouldn’t have gone running but except for a brief run a few days ago I have completely rested it..evidently not enough though....  I hate injuries..

So anyway, here it is Friday…and here I am sitting at my computer desk listening to the music group Great Big Sea while writing. I am has been a very, very long week.. I may very well hit the sack here soon.

I hope everyone is doing well..and I hope everyone really enjoys this weekend. The weather is looking like it will be beautiful-so hopefully we can all get out and take a walk or play outside.

Until later…g’night my friends


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