Aug 19, 2005 18:58
so schools started. I really cant complain to much. Lineup goes as is: commercial art( really fun class) english 4 ( stoner for a teacher.....easy class, we watched monthy python and the holy grail as our medieval movie), T.A in guidance ( again an easy class, moswt of the class is spent sitting around while the counselors eat lunch) and OJT so I go home.
Speaking of OJT. Aubrey no longer works at Alberstons. FUCK YOU ALBERSTONS ON WEST BAY. I found out that I was being used becuase I didnt know that almost everyone, no matter seniority, was making more than I was. Fuckers..... a new job. I havent started, but I cant wait to. I will be working in clerks accounting in the clearwater court house, makeing almost 2 dollars more than I was at albertfuck.
4 months, 4 months and Im 18 finally for fucks sake.I can't wait. list of things to do my b-day weekend: get tattoo(already have it picked out) get peircing, go to the Castle, go to this fetish sex shop I always drive by, buy cigs, even if I dont smoke them. and move in with jeff.
new possible hobbie: Chainmail.....when Im not so poor.
Rape the willing, protect the not.