Apr 11, 2006 16:08
Honestly ... >:/
I've had a problem for the last couple of months with my freaking stomach growling. It growls often whether I'm hungry, just ate, or am between meals. The worst thing is, it's LOUD. Loud like you're sitting in relative quiet and it goes off and the hubby looks and says "was that you??." ::scowl:: Yeah it was me. No I'm not hungry, no I don't need to use the restroom, no I'm not uncomfortable, my stomach just growls, okay?
So today I'm bored and I'm basically Googling the shit out of everything and at one point I look up side effects of my son's ADD medication which gets me lost on some pharmacy site looking at the purpose of other medications, which gets me looking up other conditions which at some point links me to a Wikipedia entry where I see another link which takes me to an entry for Borborygmus which initially makes me laugh but soon makes me think about my stupid stomach growling all the time.
So I read the entry mildly amused until I see "In rare instances excessive abdominal noise may be a sign of digestive disease . . ."
What disease??
Slightly freaked now I Google various versions of this phrase 10 ways from Sunday and I can't get a decent hit.
Now I feel like George on Seinfeld with a hypocondriac thing going on . . .
Agh! Lupus?? Is it Lupus???