The last week or so has been kind of, well .. boring.
Work, class, sleep, work, class, sleep, work, class, sleep.
I finished mid-terms this week. I'm holding a 4.0 in Software Applications and a 3.8 in Human Dynamics. I guess this is proof that I do a little better with my computer than I do with others of my own kind. ::smirk::
Though we still haven't found a house to buy (I'm seriously considering put flyers in everyone's mailbox in the neighborhood I'm interested in BEGGING people to sell) I got all geared up to pack up some clutter, clean out cabinets and closets, etc. in preparation for showing the house. As soon as we find something and get an offer accepted our house has to be ready for listing and showing. I have some storage pods being delivered on Thursday so we can pack them up with all that we've sorted out. I'll be happy to get some stuff out of the house. I'd really like to toss our Christmas tree and all the decorations in the pods, but then if we're still here for the holidays it would suck not to have any of that stuff.
The kids are young, but even they are going to sneer at a green blanket thrown over a coat rack.
That sentence spawned thoughts of hot gluing Fruit Loops to the "tree". :)
Anyway, all the packing plans got slightly derailed because of receiving a letter from the Management Company on Friday that said we're in violation of HOA covenants for not having our fence painted while on the inside (the outside is painted) and for not having our flower garden weeded.
Weeds?? You people are up my ass about some weeds in my flower garden?? This is what I get for living in a neighborhood where none of the women work for a living. All the moms do is clean their houses, dote on their kids, go to yoga class, attend book club meetings, go to Gymboree, plan play dates, and have scrapbooking and pottery sessions. There were flyers plastered everywhere for a big get together at the clubhouse for "Coffee and Tears" on the first day of school after all kids were gone. Give me a freaking break. Naturally, these people have the free time to weed their flower gardens and come down and critique mine. Frankly, I think they're lucky that I even have flowers in it. They really could stand to be a little less picky.
Weeds. Puhleeze.
So now I have 30 days from the date of the letter to paint the inside of my freaking fence which, I might add, is a privacy fence. You can only see the inside of it from my back yard, which means that someone opened my gate or stood on something to peer over it to know that it wasn't painted in the first place. I have no problem looking at natural wood, but thanks for dictating what I must look from the windows of my own home.
I think next they might tell me that my vehicle is too old and that I either need to buy a new one or park somewhere outside of the neighborhood.
TBear, this is why I'm late on getting you some baby stuff (not to mention a reply on the book you sent me! :D). I haven't gotten to Sean's stuff yet, but it's next on the To Do list after the painting job. I'm going to have to take a day off of work to paint, as doing it on the weekend would be a nightmare with the kids and dogs running around.
I'm off to bed, but before I go I saw this is LU's journal and wondered how I compared on States Visited. Apparently, except for going to Texas out of necessity every year or other year, I generally have a problem with crossing the Mississippi. :)
create your own personalized map of the USA