Jul 02, 2008 12:30
Because I am the kind and benevolent mod that I am... I'm going to change something with the FQF. Bear with me, I think you'll like it.
This afternoon, an updated claims list will be going up. After that point, claims are reopened but with a twist. (and here's the fun part!)
Claiming and writing and posting will be open until September 15th. In other words, you can claim something up until the 15th of September. The final and hard deadline for all fics and art is September 15th. With summer being the insanely crazy time that it can be for all of us, I think this will work better and help us to get a nice array of works in.
So those of you that have already signed up -- you're still a go. I also found a few claims that never reached my inbox as apparently gmail hates me and didn't forward on a few claims. So if you get an email from me shortly -- that's why. I wasn't ignoring you, I swear. Technology really, really hates me at times.
Any questions or comments, direct them here. Otherwise -- pimp it far and wide! ♥
wave 5,
change of plans!,