Words meme!

Jun 26, 2009 12:41

Wahoo! So if ya want in, comment "words" and I'll come up with five words for you, then you post what those words mean to you.

My words from msanborn ...
Stilettos : I've got a wicked shoe fetish. I think Josh will go nuts if I buy one more pair of shoes. But stilettos ... I love them. I like how they make my legs look, and they are one of my top two types of shoes for sexiness... the other is big honkin bitch boots that go up to the knees. :)
Witchcraft : This is a great one for me. I've been a practicing Celtic witch for ... *counting on fingers* ... wow, 12 or 13 years now. Wow. For me, it's not a religion, it's not something I dabble in ... it's a way of life. A way of respecting the earth and all creatures on it. Yes, this includes my recent spider epiphany. I'm making peace with the eight legged beasties. Altho pics of camel spiders still send me into cold sweats and shakes ... but omg have you SEEN those things? *shudder* I've never been one for a lot of spell-working, because for me that is one of those last possible resort things. And even then, my only spellworking has been for healing and protection. Just the way I roll with it. I don't want to fiddle with anyone else's free will or karma, so I try very hard not to get involved if something else is needed. I need to dust off my Tarot and do a reading, though ... especially now with all the craziness that's been going on in my life. :)
Snakes : I love snakes. I've been fascinated by them since I was a kid and my god-sister got a pet ball python. I've always wanted one, and it's been my shitty luck that my significant others are seriously wigged out by snakes, so I haven't gotten one. But oh, I can dream ...
Bread : I love to bake. My kitchen is MY happy place. It's my domain, and I get twitchy if people start going in there moving stuff around. When the weather is cool enough for me to get in there and bake, I can whip up some homemade bread like nobody's business. I need to make some zucchini bread this weekend, I've got the zucchini already shredded in the fridge and just need to get it put together. *drools* But for me, making a loaf of bread from scratch (no bread machines for me, thx) is relaxing and almost like meditation for me. And the way it makes the house smell ... *sigh* yum.
Teas : LMAO this is a great one for me too ... I have got so much herbal tea in my pantry that it isn't even funny. I used to store it in the freezer, but had to move it because I had so much. I love a good honey chamomile ... when I'm crazy stressed nothing calms me down like a nice cup of tea with honey and maybe some lemon. And being southern, I'm all about some "rot the teeth out of your head" sweet iced tea too.

Them's mine! Anyone else want in? *grin*


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