May 05, 2009 13:13
Yep yep ... finally getting internets back at the house. Unfortunately, due to AT&T being nazi-pig-dogs I can't get the super cool deal and get broadband for $20 a month. They don't do broadband in my area. Which is gay. They offer phone service in my area, why not broadband? I don't get it.
Then I spent like forever on the phone with Comcast, getting transferred from one call center to another, and then another one, to get cable internets. No cable tv, just cable internets. Cuz we really aren't home enough for cable tv, don't watch a whole lot of tv, and have about eleventy bajillion dvd's to watch.
So yeah, after much confusion and wtf-moments trying to figure out why the call center for the Comcast office that is LITERALLY 20 minutes from my house does not service my zip code, I have a cable man coming to my house Saturday morning to hook me up with the interwebs.
Now let's just hope that the poor beast that is my computer can handle it. It can barely tolerate PSP. LOL I think maybe it's on its last legs. I've just got to make it last a leeeeeeetle while longer. I gots to remind my sis-in-law of her promise to give me the computer sitting in her closet, when she comes out at the end of next month. Yep!