Apr 24, 2009 17:28
I think my brain will implode from the craziness that is happening right now. Between my rapid progress into the "over 30" demographic (it's official, tomorrow *sobs*) and the oddness that is my normal day to day life ... oy.
So as if I wasn't already whining about the impending doom of my birthday, Wednesday we went to the hellmouth (ie Walmart) because I had to get some girl stuffs. While there, we decided to check out the dvd releases. They had 25th anniversary dvd release of Follow that Bird. OMG I remember quite clearly watching that as a kid. Wow. And 20th anniversary of Hellraiser. I guess I was wayyyyy too young watching that one on vhs back in the day. But wow, if I wasn't already feeling old, all the stuff from my childhood having 25th anniversary re-releases will definitely bring you in touch with your own mortality. Did I mention the abundance of Smurfs toys? Gahhh.
Then, my ex calls me yesterday afternoon to remind me that Amber has a ball game Friday (tonight now) and that I'll have to pick kids up from ball field. That turned into a half hour conversation. I thought I'd NEVER get him off of the phone. He was feeling nostalgic I guess, I got another apology for "treating you like shit when we were together", and we remembered some friends we had then. We both said how much we missed Christian, and some of the other crazy people. So, today when I was on lunch I looked up Goat on myspace. (after some serious head-desk moments trying to remember his REAL name, he was always Goat!) Found him, sent him a friend request, which he quickly accepted, then we ended up spending all afternoon chatting on MSN. (still are, honestly) It's been great getting back in touch with someone that I really liked a lot and missed a lot. Turns out that after he moved out, he missed me, but not so much Casey. Do I feel bad? Nahhh not really. Casey was an ass and still has his moments where I want to throttle him, I tolerate him for the kids' sake.
So bonus is that I might be getting back into gaming again. Whee! Since Bunny got married and his wife managed to chase off pretty much the ENTIRE gaming group (gahhhhh) I haven't been able to play lately. That's why I've let my mother convince me to play this christian fantasy rpg thing. It's like D&D except the purpose of the game is to hunt devils and convert people. Goes against my very pagan grain, but ... it's gaming, right? I can play a character and not get mixed up with real life. I cut my teeth on that sort of shit. But Goat is talking about starting a sci-fi game soon, and he wants to introduce me to his gaming group to see if we can mesh and get along. If that works, then I'm sooooo up for some gaming. *nodding emphatically*
And it's always nice to hear "Ya know, I thought you had the patience of a saint with Casey" and that I'm remembered (even several years after being out of touch) and missed. And getting back in touch and reminiscing is awesome. Making me feel better for sure.
As long as I can keep myself distracted from the dreaded birthday tomorrow, it'll all be good.
And I think it's time to replace my mp3 player. The damn thing keeps cutting off on me randomly even though it's got a brand new battery in it. *sob*