Well, my parents are still stuck legally about the whole adoption thing, although they have a lot of folks on their side fighting for them. My Mom is losing sleep and whatnot over this drama. My heart goes out to here but there's really nothing that I can do to help. :-(
I'm still working on the wedding planning. I've found some really interesting things that I want, like plantable favors, and maybe organic candy--yum! We've got most of a menu made. Still no word on the actual location--it's driving me CRAZY! Well, in other news, Erin is going to be coming to stay with me for a week! Yay!! I hope that she can get in for her first prenatal appointment before the weekend so it can be this coming week! That would be awesome!
Speaking of doctor's appointments, we had to take Mr. Kiddo to the vet yesterday! The poor little fuzzbutt has a slight upper respitory infection. Bunny sneezes are so very cute--if they weren't so worrisome, I would love them. Here is a little video that I made of him yesterday afternoon playing with a toy and having a cute sneezing fit:
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