May 09, 2004 10:51
Show last night- Hands down our worst show ever. not gunna get into details, but it was easily our worst. thats alright i guess, we will get back in the swing of shit, was the first gig in over a month.
Finally got to check out guitar center! its awesome, so much gear n siht. its so loud in there, i love it. Ben is the man, he works in accessories. I'm gunna be buyin some shit from him over the next couple of months..stage tuner, Octave pedal, Auto-Wah pedal, wireless system. good shit. PJ seem to enjoy himself in the drum section too.
Been spending a hella lotta time with Amber, i love it. Amber your the best<3 i love you. You were out like a light last night after the show! haha, sleepy girl=p
Chilled w/ steve yesterday for the afternoon- and if you read this i love you too steve haha. know what we should do for prom? YOU be my date haha, we will go together and amber+alison will go together, what do ya think?
We jus hung around, chatted, talked about recording, went to guitar center, etc. etc.
friday night was prime, went to salem mall with Amber, bought her a really hot shirt and took her out to dinner. it was fun. then we jus looked for open-stores but it was too late, they were all closin. got root beer floats. then we jus went back n lay down @ her house for a lil bit. good time.
not a bad weekend, workin 2-6 today.