If I Didn't Have Projects, I Would Never Post

Jan 21, 2008 15:52

I read my friends list every day, and every time I see someone post something along the lines of "I read my flist every day, even if I don't comment and don't post" I think to myself, "Self, it's about time we posted." And then I go do something else. Today, I have resolved to post if it kills me!


Just kidding.

As a writing crutch, I will be pursuing 13 Random Things.

I've been projecting again! As in pursuing projects. Witness my latest creation, though it does not come anywhere near achieving perfection:

What you see is a "king size" quilt. This is a lie perpetuated by the makers of the batting I bought. In reality, this is an empire sized quilt. You see, said quilt in folded into quarters for the picture. There is nowhere big enough in my apartment to unfold it and view it in all its grandeur. It is big enough to hide two full grown adults and two pint sized children under, WITH ROOM TO SPARE! Perhaps I should buy my own island in order to display this thing.

The batting package said 120 inches by 120 inches. When I got the fabric all sewn together, I was sitting at about 115 inches by 117 inches. I had 10 inches of batting to spare on one side and on the bottom. That was ridiculous. But we love the quilt anyway, despite the monstrous proportions. It's very warm and lots of fun to hide said girls under. And it has scraps from the t-shirts we loved to death sewn to it, as you can see. Also, we're BYU alumni. Not very obvious, is it?

Thing the Second:  That whole process of self-discovery continues. Remember that entry on having cyclical interests? Well, I've hit the sewing cycle on my cycle and discovered that it eats up all my energy for housework. It also explains that when I wasn't in sewing mode, I couldn't bring myself to finish the simplest projects, so I'm knocking them all out now. My goal is to finish my huge project list before we move in May.

Thing the Third: The project list, broken into three categories, is as follows.
    Crochet: Slippers for the girls, a snood for my RenFest friend
    Hand Sewing: Attaching eyes for my kirtle and KidCelt's kirtle, weaving a new belt, making rags
    Machine Sewing: redo kirtle skirt (FIX PATTERN!), edge shawl for KidCelt, make red apron, make black petticoat, make cavalier hat
    Machine Sewing (does NOT need to be done by February): black shirt, tunic shirt (trial), dress from tunic shirt?, recut pj pants, more jeans, Regency outfit (chemise, stays or pair of bodies, dress), small blue quilt (I've got all the right scraps and enough batting leftover from the monstrosity to pull this off)

Thing the Fourth: Have I mentioned I turn 30 soon? Nine days and counting. This is a Big Deal.

Thing the Fifth: There is another project I'm working on that I've kept entirely mum about. It's nearing completion and I might talk about it soon. You know you're excited.

Thing the Sixth: Magnatunes is my new favorite music website. Well, I didn't have a favorite *music* website before, but now this is, forever and ever.

Thing the Seventh: Speaking of music, I have a mix to create soon for a certain group I belong to, and I hate the playlist I have now. This sucks. I wanted to be done obsessing over the thing already. Why don't I listen to cool music like everybody else?

Thing the Eighth: So I have an excuse for not updating all that often--nothing changes! Honestly, we're just...waiting. Waiting for my acceptance/rejection, waiting for The Hub's graduation, waiting to move to Lubbock. Waiting.

Thing the Ninth: I've come up with an interesting defense mechanism, should I be rejected by Texas Tech. I'm currently very content with my life. If I don't get accepted, I'm fine. I like being a mother--I've got some things figured out, so I worry about it less--and now that I understand my hobby/interests/passions cycle, I feel less scattered.

Hold on. Is this what maturity feels like?

Thing the Tenth: The endless waiting should come to an end by the first week of March. Stay tuned!

Thing the Eleventh: KidCelt is obsessed with the music from Disney's The Little Mermaid. This morning she was singing bits and pieces of "Under the Sea" to herself as we did chores. ToddlerCelt turned to me and asked, "Why is she singing?" KidCelt heard her and replied, "I"m singing for my own entertainment." Ladies and gentlemen, I may have a precocious four-year-old on my hands. Heaven help me!

Thing the Twelfth: I like this thing where kids do chores I normally do. I could get so lazy when they get older! ToddlerCelt set the table (with a little help from The Hub) and KidCelt is clearing the table. Someday, I won't have to do dishes. I look forward to that day.

ToddlerCelt continues to grow in her cuteness. For example, she just smooshed her finger slightly--I think she bit it accidentally. Anyway, she wouldn't rest until she got the wounded appendage kissed by every single member of the family. "I hurt my finger," she says very seriously, holding her finger out. "Would you like me to kiss it?" we ask. She nods very seriously and puts the finger on our lips. So cute!
Also, I gave her a haircut. It suits her, even if The Hub prefers her with long hair.

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