WOW! finals are among us ahhhh!!! ::chibi sparks zooms around the room, chasing her tail in confusion!...fallz over in a little orange heap of dizziness...oof!::
Next week i have a tae kwon do exam, it should go well, my form could use some work, but i have time, and its not like im not passing the class already.
Im very pleased with myself. For my IAH class, we had to attend an event put on by the school of music. so, last night i went to a choir concert. it was good, reminded me of how much i miss choir. after the event, a paper had to be written to go along with it. thats due friday. seeing as im leaving tomorrow night, i was a good little studious one, got my paper done the very same night! ::dances around::
so, now, as usual when i update this, im at work...relaxing, reading harry potter. yahoo.
still waiting to hear from my boss jason at the double J to call and tell me what i need to bring in terms of work gear.
hitting 'salvation army' this weekend to look around for cowgirl gear as well as any ren fest tid bits which may catch my eye.
only 2 weeks left til summer!!!! YEEHAW!