Nov 24, 2008 12:09
The last couple of weeks have been busy.
Dan and I went to OHIO Valley Filk Festival. Normally I go on Fri and Dan stays home. I sat through a few of concerts and wandered down to the bar for a Blue Moon (beer). On his way in, I saw Dan. We sat down at the bar and had another beer. We saw Judy Miller, Vicky Wills, Mary Bertke, Mark Wise, Tom Smith, Howard Scrimgeour, Steve MacDoanld, Ginny and Andy, Pat and her grandson John and many too other names to remember.
Sat we had reserved a room. We showed up with a hand truck complete with ferrets. The hotel manager stopped us. I ave him a letter stating I had a service animal with me. He requested we not let the ferrets run loose. At Marcon I had to take them to the dog walk area to go poddy. LOL! (My biggest ferret is 5#. Most of my girls are 2# and boys around 3.5#.) We sat trhough most of the concerts and skipped the banquest. The day went by in a blur. After the banquet we took a ferret and sat down in the main filk room, near the door. RA came in with her service dog, which started whining because the ferret was there. She took and dog and left.
Two weeks later I went to the Ferret Symposium being held in Pittsburg. This is as close its been in awhile. The whole purpose to talk to the attendees about ferret health. I rode over and back with SG, T and JF. After the daily programming was over there was a small show put on by the locals. I got roped into holding up half of the Rainbow Bridge (aka animal heaven) I ran when my part was up. I used Shane as my service ferret at the end of the day. He was frequently ferretnabed for folks looking for ferret fixes.
T has dropped off the face of the earth again. This time I'm ignoring the urge to get in touch with her. It annoys me to no end when this happens. She's an adult and can call me if she wishes. Caller ID would tell me who's calling. Yes I'd take it.
Who's ready for Thanksgiving? I think we have everything for ours. Hapy Turkey Day