
Jan 01, 2010 16:21

So I've been meaning to post but haven't gotten around to it.

We've had a lovely quiet family holiday. We had lots of snow for Christmas Eve, so ended up staying home from services and doing our own with the Advent wreath and candles, carols on the player piano, a nice dinner and dessert and hanging up the stockings. The kids were excited to have a white Christmas, and loved their presents. Maggie got more American Girl books and some of the mini dolls and is ecstatic.

I was very pleased - I got a handknit hat and mitts, a Girl Genius book, 2 pairs of pretty titanium earrings, and an ebook reader!

EEEEE! Pretties! Ebook!

I wore the earrings that day, but went back to my spacers, as I was really jumping the gun on how early to take them out.

And the ebook is turning out VERY enjoyable. It's a Sony Reader Touch Edition. It's now named Alexandria. I'm looking forward to getting lots and lots more of my favorite books onto it.

So for now on, anybody who happens to be looking for a present for me? Ebooks. Ideally gift certificates to the Sony reader store. Or to, but I have a lot of those books already. (the website sez "Physical Pre-Paid cards are available for purchase at Best Buy, Borders, Target, Wal-Mart & Sony Style.")

Eeee books books books. Alexandria goes with me wherever I go. Now I just want all my Heyer on there, and all the Gabaldon, and all the Heinlein, and and and and...

ebook reader, presents, christmas, books

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