Oct 28, 2004 14:39
0kay.. I'm going to try to remember some of these dreams I've been having lately..
Okay, for some reason I'm being transfered to a different school, I think they caleld it "Baltimore High School" and of course I'm pissed because, I love my school, I don't want to go to any other. Well I get there and it turns out there are a few kids who I knew from my old school who also got transfered there until they said we can go back (reason why we go tranfered? I have NO idea) and I see about two cute guys, I never got the name of the first one, but the second one was named Albert (but he looked NOTHING like the albert I knew in real life) Well we are all mingled and theres some colorful people over here and those wearing what would be consider "odd" over here, but within 5 minutes a voice comes over the speaker phone and she says "Excuse me, but can all the good preppy and gansta kids sit at table number 1 and all the dark bad goth like kids sit a table number 2" and "What the fuck?" was all that I could come up with to explain how fucking rediculous this was. But we seperated anyways, and I ended up meeting a lot of interesting characters at table 2. Well while we were talking the Principal comes over and says that we may not have enough time to make it to class today because of all the enrollment they had to do at once (there was a good amount of us in the office, 50 tops), so they just asked us to write about any talent we have and what we want to do as a career, blah blah blah. Well while I was in the middle of writing my story on directing everyone around me started singing about Directing, now normally I would yell "Shut up I'm trying to write here", but they were singing some good stuff on it, and I was trying to keep up and write what they were singing but then I started hearing the principal scream out "stop the horror!! The Horror!!" and then I woke up....
Let me see if I can remember anymore..
Nope, nothing comes to mind....
Haha, Go entertain yourself at www.funnyjunk.com
some of the stuff there is hilarious, especially the flash players.