(no subject)

Apr 26, 2009 18:14

So hungry. Note ate today. Cooking up a batch of soup right now which smells good. Another 30 minutes maybe and I can eat.

Been watching Every No1 of the 80's for the last few hours. Takes me back. Some of them I have not thought about since back them but then suddenly recognise them again and it is like I am back there. Of course there are also many hits that still get played often. I still think the 80's is the best decade for music. There is a lot of cheese yes but that comes from a lot of experimentation and though it is the decade that has produced some of the worst pop music it has also produced some of the very best.

Interesting that some songs I thought had come out a lot earlier than they did and some a lot later which just shows how memory can work. Up to 1986 at the moment.


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