Aug 10, 2005 13:11
This morning when I woke up I bleery eyed and very sleepily got up, picked up my post and went to sit on my bed to open them all.
Being tired I opened all the letters without really looking at who they were posted too. Being the only one living here I assumed they were all for me.
Well remember a few months back I had problems with police visiting quite a lot asking for a guy who did not live here then sending a letter?
Well I had gone in person to the police station to ask them to stop doing so and after that they did.
However as I was opening one of the letters I saw what at first to my horror was a court summons and thought it was for me, then I looked at the name and details of the person it was addressed too and it was this guy the police had kept coming around about.
Gah one they should have known better than to send me the letter and two I have now unwitingly opened a letter illegally because you absolutly are not supposed to open court summons letters addressed to someone else.
I will have to go the police station today to get it sorted out. I assume they will realise the natural mistake me opening it but still a little nervous.