Idea nicked from
stegzy Things I would tell a 12 year old me.
Don’t take geography take history. Geography is a lot more boring than history seems to be and later in life you really develop an interest in history. Don’t take art, you are doing so just a a cop out subject to mess around, take something that will set you up better in life like French. Don’t take Biology. You are not bad at it but you will lose marks in GCSE for refusing to dissect animals due to personal ethics. Take physics instead. I know it seems boring but once again you develop quite an interest for it in later life.
Get a dyslexia test. Remember how in infants school you had real trouble reading but in junior school you shot ahead to be the best reader in your class? That was partly due to dyslexia. It held you back in reading then and will hold you back in the future. You are only diagnosed with dyslexia very late in school, too late for anything to be done.
You are bright, I know you do not think it now but you take IQ tests later which come up very high. But you lack the ability to concentrate. You’re mind wanders too much and you think about other things. Go see a Doctor, you may have something like ADD. If you can overcome this you can concentrate better, take more in and do better at school. try harder. If you do not revise enough you will only get pretty average grades.
Don’t be the geekgirl so much. Sure go and roleplay with friends on one day a weekend but not too. Socialise more with your other friends or you will lose touch with many of them, including some of your best and closest friend.
Sure go to drama college, you have some great times there. But don’t waste years 6 and 17 pottering around in small jobs and at different drama schools. Stay and do A levels at school then go to drama college when you are 18. This way you will enjoy your time at college but still have some other grades backing you up you can use to find employment.
Despite college don’t assume you will be an actress. It is too hard to find work in that area. Look to your other skills. After college look to setting up a business with friends. Don’t dawdle on this or they will find jobs and get secure in them and thus will pull out leaving you on your own. You have not got the confidence to go alone.
Keep up sports like badminton and swimming. You are good at both and they help keep you fit.
Save money. You will meet a wonderful girl, yes girl you are bi embrace it. But she will get into financial problems and lose her connection. Have the money ready so you can bail her out and she can stay online and maybe you can meet each other earlier. Hold onto every single precious moment you have with her. You will love her like you love no other.