So, on day three of NaNoWriMo, I find myself thinking that this may not turn out so well (something I thought wasn't supposed to happen until week two!) It's just that the story I picked to be my novel went pretty well the first day--1500 words in a manner of a few hours, which is really good for me. But since then I've had nothing. Meanwhile, two other stories that I started three or four days ago are zipping along merrily, and a story that I've been working on for about a month keeps telling me more about itself. I've typed one of them up and it could be a novel--in fact, it was my other choice for NaNoWriMo--and now I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not ready for the novel I'm writing, or it's not ready, or maybe it isn't a novel at all but a short story.
Help? Should I just keep on keepin' on? Is it just a matter of writers' block, or are there some times when a story really isn't the one that needs to be written at that time?
In other news, the show that I've been working on opened last night and did pretty well. The actors were on their lines, the audience liked it, the phone didn't ring in the middle of the show like it did for our preview. And I didn't miss any of my cues. Did I tell you guys that I'm running lights and sound now? Yep. I'm my own little booth off to the side of the stage, completely visible to most of the audience. So that's interesting. One thing's for sure, if I stage manage again and either of my board ops complains about pretty much anything, I will have no sympathy until they've tried being all three people in the booth at once. (This show isn't that bad, though; the end of the acts are the hardest because eight things happen at once and I only have two hands.)
So...yeah. Off to go scrounge up some brunch before our matinee performance today. Oh! Check this out, my friend
hazeleyed_wish's band is on YouTube! See them here: It's a clip of one of their instrumental songs that I'm pretty sure they wrote themselves. Yay, guys!
So, have a quiz and a great weekend, friends.
You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.
How Sarcastic Are You? Ouch. Less true now than it used to be.
hazeleyed_wish, and
his_silent_fox can attest to how sharp my tongue used to be.