Happy New Year of Momentous Occasions

Jan 05, 2007 00:15

Because it seems to be truly that. Welcome to the 21st century and the FIRST FEMALE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE who was sworn in today. Being a sort of backseat-feminist, I was quite pleased at this.

Life is good right now. I've been writing quite a bit, which always makes me very happy. Finished a play sort of thing the day before yesterday and have since tweaked it to pretty good reviews. Have come quite a ways on the Annual Search for My Floor. I put a new little cabinet in my room next to my bookcase to hold the books that don't fit in my bookcase, so I now have two six-foot bookcases and this two-foot cabinet. Yeah, I have a lot of books. Bibliophile, admittedly.

I am, for once, not incredibly looking forward to going back to school on Monday, although I miss some of my friends there terribly. I just like the freedom and schedule that I've set up for myself here, I guess. Classes and spontaneous social opportunities will wreck that, which is sad in its own way.

But it's a cheery new year! I hope everyone had lovely celebrations. For the most part, my new year's was pretty entertaining. It was good to catch up with some friends from here at home that I hadn't talked to in a while.

Gah! For some odd reason I suddenly have the headache from hell. Probably because I stayed over at my friend's house last night and went to sleep at about quarter to five this morning, then had to get up for a dentist's appointment. Yeah, that might do it.

So, I'm off to get some sleep. Have a quiz and a great day, friends!

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Wear more lacy black lingerie.

Get your resolution here.

Okay, that's just hilarious. Especially because my first resolution (the computer shut the internet down and I lost the window, I SWEAR. Really!!) was that I would balance my checkbook less. Considering I have neither lingerie nor a checkbook, this should be an interesting year.

Bring it on!

new year, writing, moments in history

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