Six Herbs for Hay Fever
Adapted from *Hay Fever: The Complete Guide* by Jonathan
Brostoff, M.D. and Linda Gamlin (Inner Traditions, 2002).
Spring heralds the return of pollen season, which brings
discomfort to so many of us. Find out which herbs have been
tested and shown to alleviate the congestion, sniffling, and
sneezing of hay fever, so you can enjoy the warmer weather and
longer days.
Here are six herbal allies that can help you find n*atural
relief from your seasonal allergies.
Simple Solution: Do be aware that just because something is natural doesn´t
mean it can´t cause side effects in some. Always proceed cautiously with any
medication, herbal or otherwise.Most of these herbs may be found at your
local natural foods store, or go online to find an herbal purveyor.
Butterbur may be a very effective treatment for hay fever. It was recently
compared to an antihistamine and did just as well in controlling hay fever
symptoms, but did not produce drowsiness. This plant contains substances that
are known to affect the immune system, and it has also been used to treat
Stinging nettle was thought to be as good as, or better than, previous hay
fever medications by half of the patients tested. The dose used was two 300
mg capsules taken whenever the symptoms were experienced. This is not a
conclusive study, but it does suggest that stinging nettle might be a useful
treatment. It is probably a safe herb.
Ginkgo may decrease the body´s reactions to allergens. (For those with pollen
asthma, it could also help by calming the inflammation of the airways.)
Luffa complex (also marketed as Pollisan) contains extracts of several
different plant products, including the sponge cucumber. (Also called a luffa
or loofah, this is better known as a scratchy cylinder used to scrub the ski
while showering. ) Unpublished results of a trial carried out by the
manufacturer suggests that 75% of hay fever sufferers find benefit from this
Quercetin is found in red wine, apples, onions, and other foods and is
therefore likely to be safe as long as you don´t overdo the dose. It has been
tested in the laboratory with mast cells taken from the noses of people with
allergic rhinitis (mast cells are responsible for starting off the allergic
reaction.) Exposure to quercetin made the cells less likely to respond to
allergen. Although we are not sure if quercetin is as effective when taken by
mouth as it is in a test tube, if you want to give it a try, the dose usually
recommended is between 250 mg and 600 mg, taken 5 to 10 minutes before meals.
Perilla 6000, which is marketed as a treatment for hay fever and other
allergies contains Perilla frutescens, a Chinese herb with a long folk
tradition of treating allergy, plus Coleus forskohlii. The latter has been
tested for asthma and has definite benefits, but it can also cause soreness
in the mouth and nausea. Perilla itself has only been tested in animals, but
did show promising results in blocking allergic reactions. (Unfortunately,
this mixture also contains alfalfa, which is harmful to some people with
autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.) Perilla 6000 is
not yet sold in the United States, but can be found via the Internet.