Being last again, the Ten Things Meme

Feb 26, 2005 17:58

Ten things I have done that my flist probably haven't (or probably have, but I hope they haven't):

1) Sung a solo in St. Marks Cathedral, Venice, during mass.

2) Been used as a pillow by 7 people in one go.

3) I fell off of a 5ft high podium. And then tried to jump back up and found that I was still on the floor. Woe.

4) Had a water fight on said podium, ending with the guys tipping half a litre of refrigerated water down my top. Fuuuuuuck, that was cold.

5) Been stalked by a scary homeless guy that I helped sneak onto the tube *coughs*

6) Babysat my Deputy Head Teacher in a foreign country.

7) Stolen some poor 12 year old boy's glow stick and put it down my cleavage at the Year 7 & 8 Valentine Disco I was meant to be supervising a couple of weeks ago *shifty eyes*

8) Been to a Charlton football match! Huzzah!

9) Tried to rip Dan Radcliffe's hand off to send Amy as a Christmas present ^_^

10) I've run headfirst into a train and split my head open when I was 3.
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