Dec 26, 2004 23:27
Christmas is over. It was an ordeal, which isn't really a bad thing, but it still was. Friday started out hopeful. I thought I might be pregnant, I was officially late, was being good and holding off testing 'til Christmas morning. Didn't make it that far. Just before our guests arrived for Christmas Eve dinner (and just as I got home from church in the rain) the red daemons invited themselves too. grrrrr grrrrr grrrrr! This dampened my spirits and I'm sorry if I wasn't the best company, thank you to moonborn, cyberdjinn and keftiu for coming! It was good to see you all and thank you for introducing me to the 'nightmare before christmas' - that was very very cool! The book is great too and will keep me interested for a while (its on women in the medieval times, early period for those of you who know).
I couldn't sleep much, too upset with dissapointment and too much pain. grrrr. Woke up early to have shower, clean up a bit and then embark on closer to five hour drive (with little breaks) to inlaws new property. Man is was beautiful! Just outside of a place called Cobargo (near Bega on the NSW south coast) that have their land, rolling green hills with their cattle and goats. I was very impressed. Even more impressed by their house renovation plans. Disturbed by the fact that average house price in Sydney is more than what they paid for the property (but not anymore, its value has gone up).
Had a good time seeing people, sharing the wedding album, slept not terrible, but okay. Stayed 'til just before lunch today and then embarked on the drive back. We intended on taking it slower as by the time we got there on Christmas day I could hardly walk.
Was very impressed by the town of Mogo on our way back (just over 3 hours south of Wollongong). There was a place that was a bellydancers dream! Coin necklaces and anklets, swords, canes (I have one now - $7.50!!!, scarves, beaded jewelry, even some great clothes. Add to that a second hand bookshop, an icecream and fudge palour and we could have stayed hours, but we wanted to get home in good light.
Got home, logged on, watched tv, logged back on, now playing around 'til I sleep. I have tomorrow off, but Adam is back to work.
I've just changed this entry, I was too pathetic even for my lj. I just need something to believe in, to hope in, I need to be able to dream about my future. I cannot see it anymore, I just see darkness.