New fic new fic new fic new fic!

Mar 29, 2014 20:06

Just to make sure none of you VM diehards miss it: One of my favorite Veronica Mars fic writers, Madame Librarian, has just finished one of her WIPs that she started back during season 2! It was so fun to re-read the old chapters and then keep reading through the end.

Here's the link to the last chapter--links to chapters 1-6 appear at the top of ( Read more... )

fic, veronica mars

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Comments 5

sanya4 March 30 2014, 21:01:07 UTC
I love VM fics by taken_with_you. It's always fun to re-read her amazing Veronica/Logan stories.

Lately I've been on a Hunger Games kick and it's really great to see some of my favorite VM fic authors like annie_oakley and monroeslittle writing for this fandom as well. :)

Btw, do you know what happened to clevermonikerr aka copa_cetic? The other day I wanted to re-read her fic "Always Where I Need to Be" and saw that her fic community had been deleted. Do you know if she reposted her stories somewhere else or are they gone forever?


celtic_flicka March 31 2014, 00:26:03 UTC
annie_oakley's writing Hunger Games fic?? Can you direct me to the comm where's she's posting it? I must read this.

I can email clevermonikerr and ask--I know she recently got a really good job in the media, so that may be why she deleted. She divulged a fair amount of personal info and photos, so even with friends-only, she could possibly be found. But perhaps she posted her stories somewhere else too.


sanya4 March 31 2014, 00:39:32 UTC
Some of Annie's fics are posted at, but her account at ao3 has them even more.

There have been quite a few great VM fics deleted in the last couple of years. It's really sad.


celtic_flicka April 1 2014, 19:03:03 UTC
clever said that she just deleted her whole LJ, but she misses it. :(


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