Down the rabbit hole... again.

Aug 15, 2012 13:24

I thought I might have escaped the pull of fic--I was still enjoying reading some, but it wasn't the obsession it once was. Today I discovered Peter/Olivia fic. Sigh... Would it be terrible if I skipped the gym and the grocery store and just let my kids watch TV all day while I read Peter/Olivia? Yeah, that would probably be bad.

Most of fic recs I' ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

angst_driven August 15 2012, 20:29:59 UTC
I think it's okay every once in a while, but you probably shouldn't make it a habit. ;)


celtic_flicka August 16 2012, 00:25:24 UTC
It has been known to happen. :) Not today though--other errands could be ignored, but the grocery store was a must.


onceuponapillow August 15 2012, 20:47:43 UTC
You watch Fringe? Wow, someone on my flist watches Fringe. I always dreamed of this moment but now that it's actually here...


celtic_flicka August 16 2012, 00:27:58 UTC
Am I really the only other?


onceuponapillow August 16 2012, 03:39:41 UTC
Hehe, I guess I spoke a bit too soon. I forgot all about livindeadgrl72 but we've only spoken about Fringe twice.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm a member of 3 Fringe comms. fringe_tv and oliviaandpeter & bishopfans


celtic_flicka August 16 2012, 04:04:40 UTC
I've got a few Fringe fans on my flist, which is why I decided to finally give it a try! We just finished s3, and s4 comes out on DVD in a couple of weeks. We'll just have to DVR s5 until we're done with those. :)


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