Meme time!

Mar 29, 2012 23:40

Snagged from havemy_heart and pegm81484.

1. What book are you currently reading:
About to finish Naked by David Sedaris. Probably going to start Legend by Marie Lu after that ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

pegm81484 March 30 2012, 21:52:23 UTC


celtic_flicka March 30 2012, 23:14:50 UTC
I've been wanting to go there ever since they did a leg of the Amazing Race in Botswana a few years ago. Botswana hasn't had the political troubles that a lot of other African countries have had, so there's still a lot of unspoiled nature there. You can just drive from one town to another and see elephants and giraffes still living in the wild. And it's not touristy, like I've heard about Kenya and other similar places. So I want to go to Botswana! :)


pegm81484 March 31 2012, 20:17:32 UTC
Interesting. However, I'm not going to lie I do feel like in a lot of countries being in the "touristy" areas has some major advantages... like actually coming back in the same shape you left in. I'd be a little afraid to be in a remote area of a foreign country that isn't really a popular place to visit (I'll put up with stupid souvenir shops if it means I'm less likely to be on the evening news).


celtic_flicka April 19 2012, 13:52:41 UTC
OK, so last week the Race went to Tanzania, which looks gorgeous too, so I'll settle for either one. :)


onceuponapillow April 4 2012, 00:00:19 UTC
You've been to Ireland? I'm officially jealous.

Also, I love Mumford & much.


celtic_flicka April 4 2012, 00:24:45 UTC
My brother just turned me on to Mumford & Sons--I love a jangly guitar.

I had a great opportunity--I got to study in Rome for a semester in college, and since my dad was a professor at the US-based campus, my tuition was free so I just had to pay for the travel. We had a lot of long weekends, plus when the semester was over, I went to Ireland for a few weeks. Three of my four sets of grandparents grew up in Ireland, so that was cool. Plus, it was interesting to be in a place where so many of the people look like me! (pale, blue eyes, light brown hair) Especially after all that time in Rome. :)


alee23 May 6 2012, 11:41:52 UTC
I keep meaning to snag this! LOL

Mmm Ruffles! They used to have them here when I was a kid but stopped making them here. I'm glad to hear they're available in the States so I can nab some in a few weeks! LOL


celtic_flicka May 6 2012, 21:32:49 UTC
Oh yeah, they're available everywhere here. And make sure you get the actual Ruffles brand--a few other chipmakers have come out with ruffles-style chips, but they're just pretenders to the crown.

There's also a cheddar and sour cream flavor Ruffles that's pretty awesome, but the plain is still my fave.


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