When I posted my Top 5 WIPs on
vmarstop5, there were two that I didn't include because I wasn't sure if they were still being updated. (Plus, my 5 had already turned into 7, so I had to have some criteria for culling the list.) But I've just found out that the authors for both are working on new chapters! So here's your chance to read up and be ready for those updates:
Honors Biology, by
jacedesbff --a pre-series/s1 fic in which one seemingly minor alteration in a class schedule results in dramatic changes to their lives. Sweet and delicious.
Insisting on Love, by
hiddeneloise--picks up shortly after the s3 finale. Especially satisfying if you were unhappy with what happened to the Logan/Veronica relationship during s3.
Both of these are extremely well-written, and I'm dying to read the next chapters! Go get caught up now!