Amongst Cascading Fireworks

Jun 14, 2008 13:09

Friday the 13th and it's a big fat NO vote to the Lisbon treaty.  
Ireland retains its constitution that once before had been fought so proudly to attain, 
even with it's little imperfections, 
but wouldn't this have happened either way?
The lambs for lions celebrate a minor victory.
And just as PRIDE kicks off to-day with all it's glitz and glamor within Dublin.

No means no, Mr Europe, they bleet! 
Are we that loved up fool brought back to be spit roast so that other nations of the world could marvel at how deeply the EU manages to bare back  us with consent? No!
And with as little lube as could be afforded?  TutTut.
Next time liquid silk please! HaHa.
Sure the voyeurs can cover the cost even if you cant. 
Because there will be a next time, there always is. 
While the leaders of men and their wealthy backers of the larger mainland states start rubbing each other off and hawking over the smaller more independent yet inexperienced islands as they are contemplating passing the treaty anyway!  
With many still not knowing what it's all about.
So now we the people, the spin doctors with their pupet show known as Leinster hse.
must set out the terms of engagement for when that happens again.

Only next time wont the shoe will be on the other foot ?!  


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