Bring The NOISE

Apr 24, 2009 09:10

Dublin, Sunday 19th

There is no such thing as GAY RIGHTS..

Fair Play?..Play Fair!

Was what we of the focus groups Marriage Equality, Belong To and NOISE
discussed outside the Central Bank to many hundreds of people...
over 600 to be precise on that sunny afternoon in Dame street.

At present the civil partnership bill due for legislation within Ireland
is still an out dated document that primarily does not give complete recognition
within the republic to couples with families or those wanting to adopt.
The idea that governments choose to create a legalised second class outrages most.

Equality is not a half measure but an absolute and it's great to see more people
waking up to the fact that either our relationships are equal to heterosexual ones
or they're not. And that continuous inequality should make us angry.
Sometimes I think people are afraid of how they feel and see anger as a destructive emotion and that isn't always the case, it can also be a very productive emotion
especially when that anger is a righteous one.

My anger is a righteous anger!

Our anger is a righteous anger to be embraced and channeled.

Also included above are photos of the summer demonstrations against the proposed bill outside Leinster House and both Cork & Dublin Pride marches 2009.

pride in the name of, emancipation

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