5 strange things meme...

Feb 07, 2006 16:37

So, belovedranger tagged whoever wanted to post 5 strange things about themselves...so, while I've done it before, here is more strangeness a la me:

1. I tend to get hypnotized watching the washing machine go round, and round, and round...

2. I have chronically cold feet, and yet I tend to not wear socks. My husband does not appreciate this.

3. I keep my eyebrows waxed always, yet often get too busy to wear makeup on a regular basis (maybe it's because I look like Groucho Marx's love child without a regular brow wax...dunno)

4. I'm fascinated with bats. Not the gothic thing, mind you, the actual flying mammals. They're amazing!

5. I'm paranoid and overly trusting at the same time - figure THAT one out. And if you do, call me and let me in on it...


whoever wants to, go ahead...;)
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