Stranger: are you a misanthrope?
You: Yes.
You: Yourself?
Stranger: do you even know what that is?
You: Yes.
You: Somepne who has a hatred/dislike of people/humanity.
Stranger: yea
You: I imagine it uses the same word root as misogynist and misandrist
Stranger: probably yea. do you think you're better than others?
You: Though misandry is only a recently created word.
You: I don't think I'm better than others, no.
Stranger: do you think you're always right?
You: Actually, it depends on the specific others, there are some people I am better than, but largely, no.
You: I often think I'm right, but I'm human, humans do that.
Stranger: yes. exactly.
You: If humans thought they were wrong often, they'd have psychlogical issues.
Stranger: why are you on omegle?
You: I'm in a really, really shitty mood and the thought of human connection with randoms appeals.
Stranger: why are you in a really, really shitty mood?
You: Oh god, oh god.
You: Why don't you answer some questions y'self before going into that? Are you a misanthrope? That was an interesting opener!
Stranger: i'm not a misanthrope. but i think i'm becoming one.
You: Damn.
You: What makes you feel that way?
Stranger: i've started to hate so many people lately. i'm so tired of everyone..
You: D'aww. *offers empathy*
Stranger: maybe i just got social problems.
You: Hating individual people as opposed to humanity as a whole?
You: I tend to hate humanity as a whole, but give individuals the benefit of the doubt. Especislly given that they're human.
You: N'being human generally = being some sort of shit.
Stranger: ehm.. i don't know. i just hate everybody.. and that's almost the same as hating humanity.. kind of.
You: Heh, fair enough.
You: I'm terrible at social-ness and sociability.
You: Right terrible.
Stranger: well.. we got that in common.
You: Hmm, seems that way.
You: How old are you, if y'don't mind the question?
Stranger: hm. guess!
You: (I'm 23.)
You: I don't know, you seem younger than me.
You: But I'm unsure.
Stranger: yes, i'm younger than you.
You: By how much, I'm unsure.
Stranger: does it matter?
You: Not really I suppose.
Stranger: nah.. i prefer not telling you.
You: Heh, fair enough.
You: I don't mind.
Stranger: cause if you're like me you'll prejudge.. and i'm sick of that.
You: Everyone prejudges.
Stranger: exactly.
You: Survival trait.
You: I try not to be, I try right hard actually.
You: but I have judging, judging eyes.
You: The being totally bitter doesn't help me either, methinks.
Stranger: yea. i prejudge everyone. it's impossible for me to not prejudge.
You: Ehh, its part of being human.
Stranger: yea. and thank god for omegle. the anonymity. i love it.
You: Heh. I rarely get good chats on here though, but anonymity is nice.
Stranger: yea i've had like 5 interesting chats here last 2 months.
You: How often d'you come online?
Stranger: quite often.
You: Wait, am I 23 or 22. Christ I can be a moron.
You: I'm unsure of my own age.
Stranger: how can you be unsure of that?
You: I don't know, I forget sometimes. Often, actually.
You: I'm 23, I checked. *facepalm*
Stranger: i never forget my age.
Stranger: i kow my age exactly
You: I think most people don't forget.
You: I'm stupidly scatterbrained. Like, I think I'm decent intelligent, but I've got so little common sense sometimes.
Stranger: on wednesday i'm exactly 17 years and 3 months.
You: You know the months and days?
You: Thats neat.
Stranger: haha.. my birthday is april 22.. it's not hard to count it out.
You: Heh, fair enough.
You: It's 6:04am
Stranger: it's 10:04 pm here
You: Other ends of the globe, whee.
Stranger: yey..
Stranger: did you just woke up or you didn't go to sleep yet?
You: Didn't go to sleep.
You: I went to sleep during the day for a bit actually.
Stranger: ahaa.. i did that too today.
Stranger: woke up two hours ago.
You: Heh, neat. :)
You: I've always had screwed up sleeping patterns. There's actually a depressing story I have about that.
Stranger: oh really? i wanna hear it.
You: Hmm. Alright.
You: Well. My birth mother wanted one child. A daughter, named Tamala.
You: That would be my elder sister. (She's named Tamala funnily enough.) the situation my mother dreamed of since childhood.
You: Then I was born, I didn't fit into her plans at all. She hated me. Trained me to sleep during the day
You: so that Dad would take care of me when he got home from work and she wouldn't have to deal with me
You: she was batshit crazy and dad said it was probably better for me this way, of course, I won't ever know how batshit crazy she was because she commit suicide when I was still a baby.
You: (I'm not kidding.)
Stranger: oh.. yes. that's kind of depessing.
You: I have about a billionty depressing stories, but I don't think I'll share any unless theyre somehow pertinent to the conversation.
You: Because being all "woe is me" is _boring.
You: So, you slept during the day and now its evening. You have plans for this evening, or the upcoming day?
Stranger: ehm.. i don't work like all my friends do.. all my 3 friends haha.. so i never really have plans. i'm on summer vacation. i love to enjoy the freedom.
You: Awesome.
You: I'm on holidays from uni at the moment. Not working, I was, but I quit.
Stranger: oh okay..
Stranger: do you have any special skills or anything interesting to tell me?
You: Special skills? Hum. I doubt it. *ponders* *sigh*
You: I'm a radical feminist, that tends to interest people, though conversations about it tend to get annoying.
You: Because people mischaracterize me based on it.
Stranger: oh okay.. i'm having so many prejudgings about you right now.
You: Heh.
You: Tell me about them!
Stranger: haha nah.. i don't think you wanna hear them.
You: I'm keen, and you're anonymous!
You: I can correct and/or confirm them.
You: You get a chance to see how right you are!
Stranger: ehm okay. i'm picturing an angry little asian emogirl. generally.
You: Hmm. I'm little. I tend to be more sad than angry. I guess that fits "emo" by stereotype.
You: I'm caucasian.
You: N'yes, I'm a lady-person.
Stranger: okay. so i was a bit right anyway.
You: "little" is an interesting one. Most people don't seem to assume that one.
You: The "emo" tag seems obvious after I just told you I have lots of depressing life stories.
You: That's not _really_ radfem related.
You: Why asian?
Stranger: well.. i associate emos with asians. that's just it.
You: Ahh.
You: Hmm. In high school I was a goth, which was basically like being emo nowadays.
You: The black clad outgroup.
Stranger: yea.. i dislike them.
You: I used to be such a pretentious tool. I might _still_ be a pretentious tool.
You: Identifying with a subculture is helpful for the unsocial though! It give you a little group of people to relate to.
You: Which is awesome if you don't want to feel horribly, horribly isolated.
Stranger: well yea. i guess you're right!
You: I didn't realize at the time thats what I was doing, but it totally was.
Stranger: i don't think i've ever put myself in a category like that. i'm not a rocker, mod, emo or anything like that.
Stranger: makes me think i'm better than others though
You: Heh. That works too! See, identifying with a group gives you an "ingroup" and then you get to collectively hate on some other "outgroup" (Highschool goths hating "normal" people etc.)
You: Your system, you get to think you yourself as better than folk who join cliques
You: and hating on outgroups (In this case, you thinking you're better than subculture types) provides you with similar psychological benefit, I assume.
Stranger: well actually i don't think i'm better than others really. i just make people think i think i am. because of my lack of confidence i think.
You: (Sad but true humans are psychologically benefitted by hating others different from them.)
You: You make other people think that you think you're better, or other people think you're better, or what?
Stranger: i make people think that i think i'm better.
You: Thats... probably good? I think I used to do that.
You: I stopped that shit though, for the most part.
You: Unless someone is really annoying me and I want them to fuck off, acting like I think I'm better than them sometimes does the trick.
Stranger: my lack of confidence is taking over sometimes.
Stranger: i hate it. i want to be independent and confident.
You: Hey, I hear you. I'm stupid unconfident. Like, fuck.
You: I'd offer advice, only that I can't.
You: Apparently if you fake confident body language it can make you actually more confident in reality. I've not been trying it very long, and I constantly forget to pay attention to my posture,
You: So thats unhelpful s'far. I have a nice book on body language though, a .pdf
Stranger: that sounds credible.
Stranger: what's the book like? tell you how to walk to look confident or what?
You: Well, it goes over a bunch of gestures, particuarly hand gestures and such.
You: It seems to be meant for sales people.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.