Feb 05, 2009 11:32
So, a very dear friend of mine is reaching a milestone 12 years in the making in April. She has lost alot to achieve it and has only perservered because, well, the decision was out of her hands by that point and she has been looking towards the future.
I intend to be present for this particular milestone, which will occur on April 9th in Monterrey, CA. I am, however, not excited about spending huge amounts of money on this, so to keep my costs down, I am hoping to find crash space.
Essentially, the closer to Monterrey, the better. I need some space to sleep, and may potentially be bringing my littlest with me, so please keep in mind that while I do not expect anyone to baby-proof an entire house, something in the realm of a small space for a playpen (and if you have access to a playpen of your own, major bonus) might be necessary.
I do not know how long I will be staying, but probably until Monday. I intend to rent a car, so transport is not an issue.
If I bring the squidgeon, I would also like a babysitter for at least one evening. (There is a certain bar that I simply *MUST* visit.)
So, who has space for me? Who has space for me and the squidgeon (I promise, she is *HORRIBLY* adorable.)? Anyone willing to volunteer to babysit once?
If you meet any of these requirements, please email me at my user name at gmail.