WTF Penguins...

Nov 16, 2006 10:34

Okay... I just have to ask the universe here, because it is completely escaping me... what the hell is up with animated penguin movies? O.o When March of the Penguins came into theatres, I kind of thought, awww, penguins are cute, but no part of me was interested enough to pay money to sit down and watch an animated movie about them. In any case, I figured that was the last that I would see of penguins trying to make their mark on the bigscreen, but it turned out to be a huge success. [Who watches these?! Children?! Why?!]

Okay, then if my confusion over March of the Penguins wasn't enough, along comes another animated penguin movie that adds to its unappeal with a really stupid name... enter Happy Feet. O.o Dancing... animated... penguins. O.o ..... O.o

And please, oh please, Lord, don't let them tapdance. If they do and it becomes a popular movie, I'll end my life. The only way that I am conceiving of the popularity of these movies is through children, but I have the haunting suspicion that this isn't entirely the case.

Maybe there are some things in life that we aren't meant to understand.


Adam B. Peffer
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