Mar 14, 2005 22:28
hey so i haven't updated in a while. i hope that everyone is doing well. nothing much is going on in the exiciting life that is holly. I hope you all are going to have fun spring break...i know i will. i'm not going anywhere. i'm just staying here but spending the night at my girlfriend's houses and doing wild and crazy things and singing and staying up till forever...twill be much fun:) oh yeah i might go to jordan's condo but anyway i'm looking forward to a break muchly.
i think you all know that i'm going to get a chinchilla...if you dont know what that is just google it real fast cause it's the cutest thing you'll ever see. it looks kinda like a mix between a guina pig and a bunny rabit. super cute and VERY soft. they're kinda raised on farms for expensive coats and those people suck cause they're so sweet and cute. but they're supposedly intelligent rodents and friendly. i dont know they're just exotic and they dont bite if you raise them right and so i went to a breeder in ovedio and now i love them even more and i'm taking peter with me to see them this friday(first day of spring break-w00t!) and he will love them. heck yes!
I'm in a really weird cleaning mood and im like super hyper and i was singing Music of the Night and the Phantom of the Opera theme where the girl sings REALLY high for the past few hours with heather and carlie cause they're very hott. oh and eating/drinking...popcorn, kettle korn, cheetos, skittles, cinnimon sticks with icing, coke, pepsi so i guess it isn't very crazy to say that i am bouncing off the walls right now. hehe ok this is getting long and like none of you are going to read it teehee i heart you guys!
love, holly