S and E

Jan 28, 2006 15:46

well we left really ealier to get there in time and we got half way there and my mom said did you bring your quartet music i am was like SHOOT!!! so i am calling everone to see if they could bring there and luckyl for me my dad was able to get thre in time to bring the music so we had it all but i was worried for a bit there. and i walked the entire school like six times before any one got there and all this people are like are u looking for something and i said nope just looking and they looked @ me like i had two heads. i was thinking w/e anyway. Then everybody started to come in rachel shane alivia cristin josh the whole gang and so the quartet stated to warm up and then we went and did our thing (aka we sang) alivia wasn't able to see us but tat was prolly a good thing because we all kinda had the jitters so we messed up the song soo bad. but during ash grove i think we recovered but not enough and we got a three but next year will be better becasue we will know wut to expect. then i almost ran out of the room to alivia but i wasn't able tpo get there in time that made me sad so i watched her throug her the door and then alivia and i did our duet which got a two which was good. then somethings happened and i was confusinen ppls we acting like little kids who didn't get there way me included. except for cristin who was cheerful as always. but everything got under control. and then alivia and i walked around the school and talked. then we went to go hear danike sing and her judge was like really werid she yelled @ danike for trying to entertain us wut ever then we went to watch cristin sing her solos. SHe did really good and got a one! so yay@ goo cristin and yea the only thing i have done today is get my hair cut and i got to drive so that was fun and yea that been about it.
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