May 12, 2009 14:04
Ah, summer.
I've never particularly loved summer. Remembering summer as a kid is either filled with camp and or family. And during high school? Summer classes and drama. always with the drama.
But lately, I've liked it more. I've found more reasons to love the beach and love this state I call home.
And this summer-classes. Classes I haven't quite picked out yet.
But I was watching this movie last night, The Jane Austen Book Club, and I was reminded how I've always wanted to read her books. So I think this summer I shall.
There's somewhat more to it than just wanting to read it, but I don't trust every thought in my head when I'm falling asleep. It gets weird.
Well I'm off. Job interview. trying to remind myself that even if I don't get the job, at least it was another interview, another application, another experience.
Ugh. I need a job.
jane austen,