Oct 31, 2004 13:29
Well, I think it is week 9, and yes, whoever replied to my last post, it was a long time ago, I am a little slow with updating this thing. Such is life, get over it, whatever. On the brighter side, happy halloween! I am doing absolutely nothing tonight, just like most other nights, and I thinks its all cool. Never assume I have a life.
Life is mostly good, I guess. Homework is a pain, as usual, especially the stuff that I dont understand the reading and have no idea how to write about, which is basically anything for my philosophy class. I have so many papers coming up due, and so much to do, and absolutely no motivation whatsoever. I need a break already. The most interesting thing in my week is also one of the most frustrating, which is working in a 4-5 combined classroom twice a week. I love the kids, I have having to use the bus to get there, cause it is waywaywaywayway too far to walk, ride a bike, or use a scooter. 4 bucks a week in bus fare sucks a lot. I may sound like I am whining, but just ignore it, I am too tired to be nice.
I havent heard from anyone of you in a while, except my one friend from here who keeps a journal, and I see him online way mroe then in person. I hope all of you are great. I talk to tony a little, and I had a long conversation with Casey's AIM and his computer for an hour before I gave up, but at least he was entertained when he got back. That should be my new hobby, IMing people who are not there and asking philosophical questions of their computers. It was entertaining for a while.
Gee, I am supposed to be writing a paper...still no motivation. My life is fun even when it is dull sometimes. Last night my roommate and I were in a friends room till 2am (the second one), singing all the songs from movies and musicals that Jenny had on her computer. It was fun, and it is nice to know that I do have other friends, especially the ones besides my roomate. I am whining again, and I sound kind of depressed, I think, but I am really good. You people need to be online more, I havent spoken to you in ages. AND: tony is having a thanksgiving party, so please everyone talk to him and come, I want to see people:)