I'm really sad about the way that memory fades. Even the moments of your life that you know were the most spectacular, and it's so important to you that they happened . . . the actual details get fuzzy and all you are left with are the main points and impressions of how things felt most of the time
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I've been noticing the same effect from my mandolin case. The crappy mandolin I first bought is long-gone, but the scent of the case has always taken me back to those days on the deck of my current house, soon after you and I broke up, with the sun shining down on my "teach yourself mandolin" book as I worked at rediscovering music. This was before I started working at that gas station, and just after I'd moved.
Recently, this association has been fading. I don't know exactly how to say what I mean, but, it's like, letting go of things and letting them pass through you and on to the next situation, the next instrument, the next people, the next change...is often right. Maybe its good that kiss is no longer the most important thing in your life?
Ofcourse, when you're sad, you can look back on those times, and think, "I was happy then." You can try to feel it, try to get a piece of it back. But really, my philosophy is to find happiness in new things. And um...I'm rambling. Woo.
-Dave, having lost temporarily his LJ password
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