Feb 03, 2009 05:34
I realize mroe and mroe that my LJ is used very little, and often for venting. I don't see the venting stopping, nor do I see myself using it any more than I do now.
I've had this account for about 5 years now. I've changed a lot in that time. I don't even talk to the person that had me set this up anymore.
I still plan on using this from time to time, and of course reading everyones posts and commenting when I feel apropos, but I'm using Blogger for more...useful?...writing. Also, I'm able to control several blogs from one account over there, which is handy, and allows me to write about different things without stepping on each other.
I guess this is like me being able to jsut talk, while that's about writing. really writing soemthing.
Two perfectly useful tools, and i'm gonna use 'em both.