Big Bang Preview

Nov 29, 2010 13:09

Preview of my big bang fic... It's a Faberry future fic in which Quinn and Rachel end up in NY (not together, unaware they're in the same city).  Rachel is a successful Broadway star and recognizes Quinn in the audience of one of her shows...Quinn, on the other hand, is not so successful and is in the audience trying to escape the harsh reality of her life and pretend that everything's okay.  Abused!Quinn, Protective!Rachel, and a good bit of angst....short snippet from Quinn's POV under the cut!

The first time she met him, he had instantly charmed her.

He had been funny and witty with just enough sarcasm thrown in, and he had the looks to boot. Everything about their first meeting had seemed perfect. A mutual friend had introduced them, and he had made her feel special. It had been so long since someone had looked at her like that- like they wanted her for more than just her body.

His name was Jason, and that night had been one of the happiest of her life. He had asked her to dance, and it had been actual dancing, not just grinding and random flailing. He had been the perfect gentleman, and all she could think was that she had finally found someone to be happy with.

She had almost given up on finding anyone, but when he led her off the dance floor and bought her a drink and then sat and talked with her for an hour, she had known. This was what it was supposed to be like. He did everything she had always been told a good guy would do, and it felt amazing.

At the end of the night he had taken her home, picked up the cab fare, and kissed her on the cheek. He hadn't propositioned her for anything more, but had given her his number and said to call him if she wanted to go out again sometime.

She had managed to wait a full 24 hours before breaking down and texting him, and they had set up plans to go out the next night. He had been even more perfect, if that was possible, and within the month they had moved in together. All of her friends had been concerned, but he had quickly put all her fears to rest.

He had told her it was perfectly normal for two people with their type of connection to move more quickly than other people might deem reasonable, and because he seemed so confident in what he was saying, she had believed him with no questions asked.

She hadn't questioned either when he had gradually become the center of her world, and she had started planning her days around him. He was just so amazing, and if he asked a little more of her than she was used to then it was okay, because he was more than she was used to.

It didn't matter that she had slowly begun to drift away from her friends because she was too busy spending all her time with him. She still saw them, and whenever they commented on her absence she just chalked it up to them being jealous of what she had. They couldn't find a guy as amazing as Jason, so trying to bring her down was the next best thing.

Looking back, of course, all of these things that she thought didn't matter were actually vital, but at the time? She thought everything was perfect. Until suddenly it wasn't.

rachel/quinn, fanfic

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