Deal with the rantyness cause I just can't work up the energy to move it to
onnesaitjamais I am many different people.
I am a student, an honest dedicated worker... Studying, answering, participating with a smile. Soaking up language and knowledge as a sponge.
I am a slacker. I sit at home staring at the wall lost in my own little world. I never clean, I never help out. I just...exist.
I am a creator of worlds. I write their fates out in great detail. I create people, times, situations only to kill them with disinterest and neglect.
I am God of my own self. I am the beginning and end of my will, my life, my motivation.
I am a sinner. I commit crimes against the Christian God because I am confused, lost, searching.... but rebellious. Unwilling to be controlled by an invisible entity. Wanting to believe, yet so determined not to.
I am a part-time wage slave and proud of it. I've paid my dues and done my best to be the best.
I am a friend. A good friend...a great friend. A therapist...but I am overlooked pushed aside. Because friendship is no good these days.
In today's society friendship is only acquired if there is reciprocality. I gave and gave...and received veritable shit in return. But never, never should you point this out. The slings and arrows will have you dead in mere seconds.
I am confused, hurt, slain, lost, sick, well, happy, content, creative....
But for now, for me, I just am. And that's good. That's great. That's just what I need.