daf bit: Rosh Hashana 35

Jun 12, 2014 08:48

This tractate ends with a discussion of the two recitations of the Amidah. The practice is for each individual to say this prayer himself, and then the leader recites it again out loud, which allows anybody who wasn't able to say his own to fulfill his obligation. (So why not just have the leader say it? Because you're supposed to say your own; this is a safety net.) Today's daf (and yesterday's) states this practice with respect to the prayers on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and there is a discussion of whether it applies only to those days or to all days. Why might it apply only to those days? Because the prayers are way more complicated on those days and we can't presume that everybody knows them. The conclusion is that it's for all days. Further, we're told, on other days Rabban Gamaliel would allow the leader's recitation to cover even the workers in the field, but not people in the town. Why? The workers in the field were prevented from attending by their work, but people in town had no such excuse to miss the minyan. (35a)

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