Jan 24, 2013 08:54
The g'mara is talking about eating earth, which, Rashi speculates (according
to a footnote), might have been considered medicinal. R. Ammi said: he
who eats earth of Babylon is as though he ate the flesh of his ancestors,
and some say it is as though he ate of abominations and creeping things.
Why? Because it is written (Gen 7:23) "and he dissolved every living
thing", and Reish Lakish said that all the dead of the flood were deposited
in Babylon. According to him this is why it is called Shinar (nin'aru lesham),
but R. Yochanan said it is called Mezulah (sunk). (113b)
(The JPS translation of Gen 7:23 says "blotted out", not "dissolved", but I
guess the blotting-out residue has to go somewhere.)
daf bits