daf bit: B'rachot 29

Aug 30, 2012 08:48

In a mishna on yesterday's daf, R. Eliezer said that if a man makes his prayer (the t'filah) a fixed task, it is not a genuine supplication (and thus does not count). The g'mara on today's daf asks: what is a "fixed task"? R. Yaakov b. Idi said in the name of R. Oshaiah: anyone whose prayer is like a heavy burden on him. The rabbis say: anyone who does not say it in the manner of supplication (as if he were really asking for a favor). Rabbah and R. Yosef say: one who is not able to insert something fresh into it (that is, adjusting it to his needs). R. Zera answered them: I can insert something fresh but I am afraid to do so lest I become confused. (28b mishna, 29b g'mara)
(There is also a discussion here about timing of prayer that I don't understand yet.)

daf bits

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