Most recently from
jducoeur. To play along, make a post with the following statements in order of when they occurred in your life (feel free to add/remove/edit as appropriate). Just the first occurrences of each, and only ones you were old enough at the time that you remember it.
Have done:
Become gainfully employed.
Start college.
Graduate from high school.
Get drunk for the first time.
Join the SCA. (Local group; national came later.)
First Pennsic.
Offend someone horribly online. (Guessing...)
Graduate from college.
Move out of parents' house for good.
First Real Job (TM).
Discover filk music.
Get a 401(k) (or IRA).
First SF convention.
Buy a car.
First real relationship.
Meet future spouse.
Get laid off.
Buy a house.
Buy own computer.
Get married.
Get a cell phone.
Haven't done (yet):
Get a smart phone.
Drive cross-country.
Start graduate school.
Go to live in another country.
Have kids. (Ha. No.)