What party affiliation do cats old enough to vote claim? Independent, of course. (But since neither can produce proof of citizenship, and anyway they are not allowed out of the house on their own, we don't need to worry about feline domination coming through that particular path.)
Baldur has spent most of his life being gravity-challenged. He'll stand (or sit) on the floor in front of the couch and contemplate jumping up to join you but conclude it's too much work. In the last month or so he has, pretty consistently, jumped up on the desk to be with me when I'm using the computer. (He goes by way of my lap; he can't do floor to desk directly.) I am at a loss to explain this sudden change in outlook. Yes he's lost weight (and that's actually a concern), but I had always assumed this was governed by attitude, not mass.
Erik, meanwhile, can be relied upon to crawl under the bed-covers at night, at least until spring. He has never considered gravity to be an impediment to this.