link round-up (including some nifty visualizations)

Jun 14, 2010 22:49

It's clean-out-the-browser-tabs day:
From gardenfey comes this fun video about what motivates us. The presentation is engaging; I didn't mind at all that it's ten minutes long.
shewhomust posted this item about spoilers and meta-spoilers. Heh.
Big numbers can be hard to understand without some localization. With that in mind, try this visualization of the gulf oil spill, linked by siderea.
And speaking of interesting visualizations, dagonell posted this depiction of Earth, from tallest mountain to deepest ocean trench.
Also from dagonell: every country is the best at something, though, as he points out, some fare better than others.
This visualization isn't about the planet; it's about the changes in Facebook privacy over time.
Not a visualization: How to keep someone with you forever through the power of sick systems. Linked by lots of people; I first saw it from metahacker. I have not lived that kind of abuse, for which I am very thankful, but this tracks with what I've heard.
And on the lighter (err) side: a light saber strong enough to burn flesh -- for sale for $200. Wow. And yikes. Link from astroprisoner.

internet, news, tech, behavior, links

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