This Shabbat was my congregation's annual shabbat retreat. I look forward
to this every year -- sorry to anyone who was looking for me at
AEthelmearc War Practice this weekend, but this takes priority.
This year was also exactly my tenth "anniversary" -- ten
years ago on the 36th day of the Omer, on a Friday, in the morning I went to
the mikveh and then in the afternoon I went to my first shabbaton. This
past Friday was again the 36th day of the Omer. Nifty
that it lined up like that. My rabbi let me read torah and he gave
me a special blessing, there with the core community. Nice.
Friday night after dinner and services and usually some teaching,
we have a singalong. Usually everything sung is at least one of:
a Hebrew song, a folk song from the 60s, or an easy song whose lyrics
are in the songsheets or Rise Up Singing. This year there
was a second guitarist (so my rabbi didn't have to do it all)
who brought his own musical preferences. So there were a lot of songs
from the 40s, and I found they really didn't resonate for me at all.
I wonder if today's college kids feel the same way about the music
of the 60s as I do about the music of the 40s.
My rabbi always prepares a bunch of material for study, more than
we ever get to. This might be the rabbinic equivalent of the Jewish
mother: heaven forbid we should run out of food, so cook twice as
much as you need. :-) (To be clear: I'm not complaining, and I would
probably do the same thing in his place.) This year I perceived that
he had not gone so far as he usually does, and I think he was also
more relaxed. Some years it feels like everybody else gets
to rest on the shabbaton but he doesn't; this year I think he did too.
Whatever changed, I hope we can keep it.
There was an amusing glitch in communications with the campground.
We're not sure how this happened, but as we were eating lunch someone
came in to tell us that the climbing wall would be ready for us at
1:30. Climbing wall? Someone apparently thought we'd
booked a climbing wall. We always have some unscheduled time at
the shabbaton and this was during it, so a few people went and
reportedly had fun (and no one broke anything). Since the description
of the facility did not include big piles of fluffy pillows, I decided
to pass. :-) (Actually, I don't think I'd be uncomfortable climbing
up; it's getting back down that would bother me.)
I get different things out of the shabbaton each year -- sometimes
the learning stands out, sometimes the prayer, sometimes other things.
This year what stood out is the connection with the other people in
the group. There were a few people there who I don't know well, and
I got to know them a little better. And with everyone, it felt like
we were all there for the same thing and people cared about each other.
It was neat.
In a "small world" moment, as we were driving out at the end we
drove past an archery range, and one of the people I was riding with
said if he'd known he'd have brought his bow. So we talked about
archery at one point, and in the process I mentioned the SCA, and
he said "do you know Gwilym?". Heh. They were coworkers for many