1) What are you up to musically these days?
The only organized, regular thing is singing in the barony choir.
I participate regularly in a musical congregation but usually don't
have the chance to lead or innovate. I'm not currently doing anything
with folk music or instruments.
2) From the viewpoint of a tech writer, what do you wish more developers
knew, or would do differently?
A good tech writer is also a user, a usability advocate, and a
coniving tester. So...
- Name things appropriately. Yes, it matters; we're not just being
nit-picking word nerds when we push on this.
- Think about publicity levels at the beginning. What makes sense
for an internal interface might not make sense for an API. Understand
what that means up front; refactoring APIs is a PTIA (and often
- Document the contract for external eyes and the implementation for
internal ones. I see too much javadoc that describes implementation,
and that's rarely what was really intended.
- That said, document at all. :-) Look, no one expects perfection,
but the time to capture your intent and design is, at latest, when
you're writing the code. Not a year later when you finally have
a user who wants to understand the patterns you're using.
- Eat your own dogfood. If you're making an API, actually write
an application against it. To avoid too much insider knowledge,
pair up with someone else so you're using less-familiar code. Ask
yourself where the pain points were.
3) What, in your opinion, has been the biggest game-changing development
in software development in the last five years?
This question is the main reason this reply has been so long in
I'm really bad at the Big Vision Stuff; I don't have a good overview
of where the whole field is and is going. I can only answer from
my own little corner, so I'm going to give an answer that is almost
certainly wrong in the grand scheme. Sorry.
Five years is also hard (presumably you intended that). Most things
that came immediately to mind are older than that, or at least had
their roots much earlier. I think part of why I struggle with this
is that it takes a while to see what really turned out to be
game-changing. Faster, multi-core machines were game-changing;
IDEs were game-changing; test-driven development might be game-changing;
Java generics (and their predecessors, C++ templates) are probably
game-changing. But all that stuff is too old for this question.
(Ok, not Java generics, but I also said "probably" there.)
So instead, I'll go in a slightly different direction. I think
in the last five years we have seen a build-up (pushing past the
tipping point) of demand for a new level of interoperability. More
and more we are seeing open interfaces for data and services, and we
are seeing the expectation that the client code you crafted is a
starting point, not the end of the story. This is most obvious on
the web, with mash-ups, browser extensions, data services,
client-side page rewriting, and RSS feeds (your content is now just
data). But I think we're seeing it in other forms too; I think the
iPhone might have finally pushed small devices into the mainstream,
such that software vendors have to pay attention to them. Yeah,
others were there for years before, and what we got from it was a
few web sites that understood the small screen and the idea of syncing
your data to your desktop machine. I think there are greater
expectations now and software providers have to pay attention.
All in all, I think this is leading to a "have it your way" approach;
the user is increasingly in charge. (Of course we have a long way
to go yet.)
4) What's been your most intriguing daf so far?
Of the ones I've posted about,
Sotah 12
because it contains so much nifty midrash about Moshe's early years
(and things that immediately preceeded his birth, like Paro's decree,
Miriam's correction of her father for divorcing her mother,
and the deeds of the Egyptian midwives). Of all the ones I've
studied, I think Bava Metzia 59, which argues about the source
of authority in law. This contains the famous passage where
one rabbi calls for miracle after miracle to prove his point,
until he is rebuked by the others saying "torah is not in heaven"
-- the authority is in men. That's the part everyone knows, but
then the gemara goes in a somewhat disturbing direction where one
of the rabbis involved is excommunicated; I don't completely
understand it yet, but it certainly qualifies as intriguing.
5) Are there any SCA activities you could see yourself doing more
often at this point?
Storytelling. Partly because almost anything is more than what I'm
doing now, but it's something I'm interested in exploring, especially
with the rich tradition of Jewish stories (midrash). Storytelling
is portable in a way that the dulcimer isn't, too.
While I know some stories (not as many as I'd like yet, but a
start), I don't know a lot yet about telling stories,
particularly in a period-appropriate way. There are no SCA teachers
accessible to me who are interested in the authencitiy angle, and
I'm not interested in doing modern storytelling in the SCA. As
a first approximation "imitate Cariadoc" works, but I'm not
really sure where to go from there.